Tuesday 19 February 2008

Why do girls...

* Insist on buying crap food for their dinners, then wash it down with a diet coke.
I dont see the point.
I really dont.
Its not a weight issue or any bollocks that shite comedians target, i just have a genuine interest.

* Continue to wear high-heeled shoes?
Do they believe that they actually create the illusion of height?
Despite the fact you often see them with them off?
Or are they still seen as a sexual thing?
Back in more innocent times a heel was seen as very erotic indeed, now with the advent of skirts that are so short and tops that are so low that they meet in the middle for a sort of cloth party, heels are no longer needed.
It cant be to make the lady look classy as they are always a point of complaint out on a date and are often removed for the drunken stagger to the taxi.

Answers please...